Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Anxiety attacks won’t kill you, but the increased risk of a heart attack from worrying will.
I know this may sound a little flippant, but your anxiety is the least of your worries especially if you have been a long time sufferer of anxiety and panic attacks.
Research conducted by Biing-Jiun Shen, Ph.D., an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles found that people who suffered from prolonged anxiety greatly increased their risk of heart attack, even when other risk factors were controlled
stop anxiety attacks uncommon for people who suffer from anxiety attacks to have other physical issues such as high blood pressure, obesity, cholesterol, diabetes, cigarette smoking, and just plain old age.
Most people think of anxiety as really intense worry or fear. But, if you take a look at the different levels of anxiety as this research did you will discover some interesting facts.
Level one measured ( here’s a big word) psychastenia, or excessive doubts, obsessive thoughts and irrational compulsions. Level two measured social introversion. Level three measured phobias, or excessive anxieties or fears about animals, situations or objects. Lastly, level four measured the tendency to experience physical arousal in stressful situations. Yes, some people actually get aroused in stressful situations.
It is not unusual to have a social anxiety disorder. In fact, about one in every ten people suffer from it at one point or another. Some suffer from the disease when they encounter all sorts of social situations, while some suffer in social situations, such as presentation at an event, public speaking, or when performing before an audience. If you are looking for helping Social anxiety disorder, then one of the area you should pay attention is to your diet. You may not realize it, but there are different types of foods, which are directly worsen your disturbances worsen and lead to anxiety. Social anxiety disorder is frustrating all on its own. You can take control of it and mitigate its impact, avoiding dangerous foods and beverages.
Panic attacks can have a significant impact in your life and can even interfere with your work and social relationships. They can range from mild to debilitating, preventing you from going out and doing the things you normally did. Many people who suffer from depression, panic attacks or anxiety are not aware that they can help themselves in Controlling panic attacks and these chronic symptoms and live a better life to come. chronic panic disorder is not necessarily a permanent condition and can be treated successfully. One have to know there are other treatments out there if it can help you beat those fears and control panic attack symptoms quick!

Symptoms of panic attack can last from a few minutes to an hour or so, but the victim may seem to take much longer because they are not able to return to manage the symptoms. It is extremely distressing when you experience your first panic attack.It was not really known what causes these terrible attacks, but the common factor is almost always associated with situations of fear or stress.

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